How Does ViewModel Work Internally in Android Kotlin Compose

In modern Android development, using Jetpack Compose for building UIs and the ViewModel for managing UI-related data has become an essential practice. The combination of ViewModel and Jetpack Compose ensures your app is robust and scalable. But how exactly does the ViewModel work internally in Android Kotlin Compose, and what are its key benefits? In this article, we'll dive into the internals of ViewModel, provide an example of how it works in Compose, and highlight the benefits of using this architecture in your Android apps.

Understanding ViewModel in Jetpack Compose

At a high level, a ViewModel is a lifecycle-conscious component designed to store and manage UI-related data. It survives configuration changes such as screen rotations, ensuring that the UI data is retained without needing to be reloaded or recomputed.

The Internal Working of ViewModel:

The ViewModel is part of Android's Jetpack libraries and is designed to separate the UI-related data and logic from the UI components (such as Activities, Fragments, or Composables). Here's a breakdown of how it works:

  1. Lifecycle Awareness:

    • The ViewModel is scoped to the lifecycle of an Activity or Fragment. It is created when the associated lifecycle owner (activity/fragment) is initialized and is automatically cleared when the lifecycle owner is permanently destroyed (such as when an Activity is finishing).
    • Unlike UI components, ViewModel survives configuration changes (like screen rotations) because it's not tied directly to the UI lifecycle. This makes it an ideal choice for managing UI state.
  2. Data Storage:

    • Inside the ViewModel, data is typically stored in immutable properties (such as StateFlow or LiveData). These properties are observed by the UI (composables) to trigger recompositions whenever the data changes.
    • Mutable data within the ViewModel can be updated, but the exposed properties should always remain immutable to prevent modification outside of the ViewModel. This helps maintain consistency and simplifies state management.
  3. State Flow / LiveData:

    • The data that the ViewModel manages is often exposed via StateFlow, LiveData, or other observable data types. This allows the UI to observe data changes and react to those changes by recomposing the relevant parts of the screen.
    • StateFlow is especially powerful in Jetpack Compose since it integrates seamlessly with Compose's reactive nature, triggering recompositions automatically when the state updates.

How ViewModel Integrates with Jetpack Compose

Jetpack Compose simplifies working with ViewModel by providing a viewModel() function, which retrieves the ViewModel associated with the current composable. You can then use StateFlow or LiveData from the ViewModel to manage UI state and trigger recompositions when needed.

Example: Using ViewModel in Jetpack Compose

Let’s take a look at a simple example where we manage user data in a ViewModel and display it in a Composable:

1. ViewModel Class:

class UserViewModel : ViewModel() {
    // StateFlow is used to represent immutable state data.
    private val _userState = MutableStateFlow(User("John Doe", ""))
    val userState: StateFlow<User> = _userState

    // Function to update the user name
    fun updateUserName(newName: String) {
        _userState.value = _userState.value.copy(name = newName)

data class User(val name: String, val email: String)

2. Composable Function:

fun UserProfileScreen(viewModel: UserViewModel = viewModel()) {
    // Collect the current state from the ViewModel
    val user by viewModel.userState.collectAsState()

    Column(modifier = Modifier.padding(16.dp)) {
        Text(text = "Name: ${}")
        Text(text = "Email: ${}")
        // Button to update the name
        Button(onClick = { viewModel.updateUserName("Jane Doe") }) {
            Text(text = "Change Name")

In the above example:

  • UserViewModel holds the user data and exposes it as a StateFlow.
  • The UserProfileScreen composable observes the userState from the ViewModel and automatically recomposes whenever the state changes (e.g., when the user clicks the "Change Name" button).
  • The updateUserName() function updates the state inside the ViewModel, and the composable reacts to this change by recomposing the UI.

How Does This Work Internally?

  • When the UserProfileScreen composable is first displayed, it calls viewModel() to retrieve the instance of UserViewModel.
  • The userState is observed using collectAsState() in the composable, which makes it reactively bind to the ViewModel.
  • When the button is clicked, the updateUserName() function is called in the ViewModel, which updates the userState. This triggers a recomposition of the composable, causing it to reflect the updated data (e.g., showing "Jane Doe" instead of "John Doe").
  • If the Activity or Fragment containing this screen is rotated, the ViewModel remains intact, and the user data does not get lost.

Benefits of Using ViewModel in Kotlin + Jetpack Compose

  • Separation of Concerns
  • Lifecycle Awareness
  • Centralized State Management
  • Testability
  • Smooth UI Updates
  • Reduced Boilerplate


The ViewModel in Android Kotlin Compose is crucial for managing UI-related data in a lifecycle-conscious manner. Internally, it helps separate business logic from the UI layer, ensures state persistence during configuration changes, and facilitates the writing of modular, testable code.

With Jetpack Compose, you can leverage the power of ViewModel and reactive state management to build more maintainable, scalable, and efficient Android applications. Its integration with StateFlow makes handling dynamic UI updates simple, resulting in smoother user experiences.


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